(Neck-named as the residence of aquatic birds and tea-colored Lake) has an area of 409km2, length 28km, width 12km, depth 260m, and altitude 1587mm. Lake Shalla is the deepest Lake in Ethiopia .This Lake is an exceptionally beautiful and still largely Untouched Stretch of water ,with several hot Sulphurous springs that Bubble up by the shore and Flow into the lake.
Although swimming is considered safe, it may feel strange the color of the water is like cold tea there is a high concentration of salts, making it feel soapy to the touch. Few fish are found in this Lake Bird fife is profuse in this area: the bright yellow masked weaver the red-rumped buffalo weaver, red –billed horn bill, African fifth eagle, Didrie’s cuckoo, Abysinian roller, and supers starling are all regularly seen. Ostrich breeding center is also found near by Lake Shalla, just to the right of the road Addis Ababa, Awasa, in front of the entrance to the left to Bekele Molla hotel.